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    Quanta plus no ubuntu 12.04 LTS [RESOLV > 1. Quanta plus no ubuntu 12.04 LTS [RESOLV > Enviado em 22/07/2013 - 11:58h. Pessoal uso o Ubuntu 12.04 LTS e to tentando instalar o quanta plus e não estou conseguindo instalar ==> uso o apt-get install quanta aparece diretório não encontrado ==> uso o download no site com a extenção .deb do 2 cliques e aparece dependencia kdelibs 4c2a(>=4:3.5.9. Como eu resolvo isto, já tentei varias formas e não consegui. Alguém por favro poderia me ajudar; 2. MELHOR RESPOSTA. Enviado em 22/07/2013 - 12:52h. O Quanta Plus foi descontinuado e não tem suporte para o Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Há uma solução: adicione os respositórios do Trinity Desktop Environment e instale o pacote Quanta Plus através dele. O Trinity Desktop Environment é um fork do KDE 3.5 e seus programas. 3. Re: Quanta plus no ubuntu 12.04 LTS [RESOLV > Enviado em 23/07/2013 - 13:34h. O Quanta Plus foi descontinuado e não tem suporte para o Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Há uma solução: adicione os respositórios do Trinity Desktop Environment e instale o pacote Quanta Plus através dele. O Trinity Desktop Environment é um fork do KDE 3.5 e seus programas. Se está for a unica forma de ressolver o problema então vc sabe se tem outra ferramenta que a substitui (o Quanta Plus?




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    Quanta Plus Windows. Quanta Plus is a highly stable and feature rich web development environment. Quanta's vision has always been to start with the best architectural foundations, design for efficient and natural use and enable maximal user extensibility. We recognize that we don't have the resources to do. License: Freeware Download (353): Quanta Plus Download. This software is compatible with Windows Vista Home Basic, Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows Vista Business, Windows XP (Home & Professional), Windows 2000 Server & Professional and Windows 2003. Once the Scan is completed, Protector Plus - Windows Vulnerability Scanner. License: Freeware Size: 821.73 KB Download (84): Protector Plus Vulnerability Scanner Download. Protector Plus - Windows Vulnerability Scanner checks your system for Windows Vulnerabilities. It guides you to update with the right patch to make your system secure. This program is updated regularly by Proland Software to detect all the vulnerabilities discovered. Protector Plus - Windows. License: Freeware Size: 628 KB Download (250): Windows Vulnerability Scanner Download. This software is compatible with Windows Vista Home Basic, Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows Vista Business, Windows XP (Home & Professional), Windows 2000 Server & Professional and Windows 2003. Once the Scan is completed, Protector Plus - Windows Vulnerability Scanner. License: Freeware Size: 825.73 KB Download (75): Free Win Vulnerability Scanner Download. Supports authentication via all standard CVS protocols, plus Windows specific SSPI and Active Directory, Secure transport support via sserver or encrypted SSPI. After installing CVSNT is integrated into the Apple XCode development environment. CVSNT can be used from the Mac OS X shell or from. License: Freeware Size: 1.2 MB Download (35): CVSNT Concurrent Version Control Download. Protector Plus Free Windows Vulnerability Scanner is compatible with Windows 7 ,Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008. Once the Scan is completed, Protector Plus - Windows Vulnerability Scanner lists the vulnerabilities. Platforms: Windows, Windows 7. License: Freeware Size: 1.47 MB Download (109): Free Windows Vulnerability Scanner Download. This Virus Database can be installed on any computer running Protector Plus on Windows. The file that you download is a compressed self-extracting file. Download this file to a temporary directory. When this file is run, it upgrades Protector Plus antivirus software Virus Database. After the. License: Freeware Download (90): Virus Database Update for Protector Plus Download. Ac Browser Plus is a file manager for windows, with integrated image viewer and converter, FTP client, file finder, and encryption/compression/mass renaming tools.Other features include for example folder synchronizer, "editorial renaming" (renaming files just like in a text editor), true. License: Freeware Size: 2.74 MB Download (36): Ac Browser Plus Free Edition Download. ASTARICKS(R) PLUS is a ground breaking Windows app that interacts with the ASTARICKS CARD SYSTEM. The app works on both Windows 7 & 8 Desktops, Laptops & Tablets & allows users to quickly & easily save, sort, view, share & compare ASTARICKS Digital Business Cards. ASTARICKS Cards are a. Platforms: Windows 8, Windows 7. License: Freeware Size: 13.78 MB Download (29): ASTARICKS Plus Download. Add/Remove Plus! 2001 offers a new and better way to uninstall programs you no longer want on your computer. 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License: Freeware Size: 798 KB Download (189): Briefcase Plus Download. Windows Live OneCare, all-in-one, always-on PC protection and repair service from Microsoft(tm). Windows OneCare is designed to constantly care of your PC's safety and maintenance, so you don't have to. It works silently in background on your computer, and you don't have to think about nasty. License: Freeware Size: 1.51 MB Download (856): Windows OneCare Download. Media Player Plus is a freeware, user friendly and powerful program to play almost all media files. It has an easy-to-use playlist. Media Player Plus can also play DVD-Video discs and Video-CD discs. Media Player Plus Features: 1) Supported Input Audio Formats: wav , wma , mka , m4a , mp3. License: Freeware Size: 17.96 MB Download (144): Media Player Plus Download. System Uptime Full Plus refers to the time during which a system is working without failure and has had zero downtimes. 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License: Freeware Download (51): ID-Blaster Plus Download. Windows Powertools has these features : *Cache2Trash:Clear unwanted temporary files to gain space *DiskCheck: Check for disk errors and resolve them *FAT2NTFS:Convert your partitions to NTFS *Kompressor:Compress Hard Drives *ConvertIMG:Convert multiple images simultaneously at high speeds. Platforms: Windows, Linux. License: Freeware Size: 655.36 KB Download (51): Windows Powertools Download. How it Works Learn how to use FileRestorePlus (Formely Undelete Plus) to recover your files Recover Your Data Accidentally deleting a file from your computer, flash disk, camera, or the like does not mean it is lost forever. Software doesn’t destroy files when it deletes, it simply marks the. License: Freeware Size: 4.19 MB Download (46): Undelete Plus Download. 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    Download: software gratis da scaricare. Descrizione: Quanta и un ottimo strumento per sviluppare pagine web su Linux, nelle ultime versioni и diventato sicuramente uno dei migliori tool. Ottimi gli strumenti offerti da questo software, che nulla ha da invidiare a editors web del calibro di HomeSite di Macromedia. Veramente gradevole l'interfaccia, che mette a disposizione tutto a portata di mano, rendendo l'utilizzo veramente semplice. Molto efficace anche la funzione di "Highlight mode" che supporta una lunghissima lista di linguaggi di programmazione e meta-linguaggi orientati al web, primo tra tutti ovviamente HTML (ma anche CSS, PHP, XML, JavaScript, SQL e tanto altro). Tra gli strumenti offerti и utilissima la funzione che, appoggiandosi a wget, permette di scaricare un intero sito da web o da fonte locale per poterlo elaborare. Vantaggi: Utilissima la funzione di completamento automatica del tag corrente (compresa chiusura del tag) Possibilitа di scegliere visualmente i tag Anteprima della pagina Ottima gestione di progetti Funzione di pubblicazione incorporata Ottima stabilitа. Downloads: 2.269 Piattaforme: Sistemi Operativi: Linux Produttore: Alexander Yakovlev e Dmitry Poplavsky Voto: 9 Lingua: Inglese Licenza: GNU GPL Ultimo update: 16/10/07.




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    Quanta plus download linux. Welcome to LinuxQuestions.org , a friendly and active Linux Community. You are currently viewing LQ as a guest. By joining our community you will have the ability to post topics, receive our newsletter, use the advanced search, subscribe to threads and access many other special features. Registration is quick, simple and absolutely free. Join our community today! Note that registered members see fewer ads, and ContentLink is completely disabled once you log in. Are you new to LinuxQuestions.org? Visit the following links: Site Howto | Site FAQ | Sitemap | Register Now. If you have any problems with the registration process or your account login, please contact us. If you need to reset your password, click here. Having a problem logging in? Please visit this page to clear all LQ-related cookies. Introduction to Linux - A Hands on Guide. This guide was created as an overview of the Linux Operating System, geared toward new users as an exploration tour and getting started guide, with exercises at the end of each chapter. For more advanced trainees it can be a desktop reference, and a collection of the base knowledge needed to proceed with system and network administration. This book contains many real life examples derived from the author's experience as a Linux system and network administrator, trainer and consultant. They hope these examples will help you to get a better understanding of the Linux system and that you feel encouraged to try out things on your own.




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    Quanta Plus 3.5.5 review. Quanta Plus is a highly stable and feature rich web development environment. License: GPL (GNU General Public License) File size: 5905K Developer: Eric Laffoon. Quanta Plus is a highly stable and feature rich web development environment. Quanta's vision has always been to start with the best architectural foundations, design for efficient and natural use and enable maximal user extensibility. We recognize that we don't have the resources to do everything we would like to so our target is to make it easy for you to help make this the best community based desktop application anywhere. Pretty much everything in Quanta is designed so you can extend it. Even the way it handles XML DTDs is based on XML files you can edit. You can even import DTDs, write scripts to manage editor contents, visually create dialogs for your scripts and assign script actions to nearly any file operation in a project. You can even look at and communicate with a wide range of what happens inside Quanta using DCOP. Quanta is based on KDE so this means it is network transparent from any dialog or project. It can use not only FTP but other KDE KIO slaves from file dialogs or in project settings. For instance if you want secure access try the fish KIO slave that uses SSH. Just enter fish://[user]@domain in any dialog or select fish in your project settings. Here on this site you will find information on using Kommander to visually build dialogs you can extend Quanta with. These applications talk to each other using an IPC (Inter Process Communication) called DCOP (DEsktop Communication Protocol). Of course I realize this can sound like alphabet soup techno-babble to some web developers, but here's what it means. When you are using Quanta and realize you would like to do something and you want to ask "Can I do this?" you can expect the answer will not only be yes, but it will probably be even cooler than you hoped for. Not included on this site are other tools you can use with Quanta for revision control and reviewing and merging changes in files. Those applications are Cervisia and Kompare, and if they are not installed and you install them Quanta will use them. We would like to think that there are rich rewards to be found here for those willing to explore new ways of doing things, or perhaps in some cases old ways that are just new to you.




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